Se Jin Kim
Department of Mathematics
KU Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 200B
3001 Leuven
Previous Employment
University of Glasgow (Nov. 2020 -- Oct. 2022)
Research AssistantSupervisor: Prof. Xin LiEducation
University of Waterloo (Sept. 2016 -- July 2020) Ph.D. Pure Mathematics Advisors: Prof. Ken Davidson and Prof. Matt Kennedy
University of Waterloo (September 2015 -- May 2015) M. Math. Pure Mathematics Advisor: Prof. Ken Davidson
McMaster University (Sept. 2011 -- May 2015) B. Sc. Mathematics and Statistics Advisor: Prof. Bradd Hart
Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven (November 2022 – Present)
Masters Reading course coordinator. Currently the coordinator of a Masters level reading course in functional analysis, serving as the local coordinator of the Internet Seminar (ISem), an inter-university seminar series on a topic in functional analysis.
Masters’ Project Supervision. Supervision of Julia Pawłowska on her Masters Thesis titled On the role of the minimal tensor product of non-unital operator systems.
Undergraduate group project Supervision. Supervision of three groups of bachelors students on the topic of graph invariants on quantum graphs.
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow (November 2020 – October 2022)
Undergraduate Supervision. Co-supervised a student in the summer with Christian Voigt through a bursary funded by the Edinburgh Math. Society on the topic of chromatic numbers on infinite dimensional quantum graphs.
Course Head. Lead instructor for a third year undergraduate analysis course.
Teaching Assistant. Running tutorials for a graduate course in functional analysis.
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo (September 2015 – August 2020)
Teaching Assistant. Teaching Assistant for undergraduate Analysis, Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Logic courses. Duties involved marking and coordinating undergraduate marking, preparing and teaching tutorial lectures, and office hours.
Talks Presented
Factoriality of Groupoid von Neumann algebras, Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras, University of Glasgow (August 2024).
A duality theorem for non-unital operator systems, International Conference on Noncommutative Geometry, Analysis on Groups, and Mathematical Physics, Ghent University, Online (February 2024)
A duality theorem for non-unital operator systems, Analysis Seminar, University of Southern Denmark (February 2024)
On C*-Simplicity for groupoids, GoTh Workshop: Groups of Thompson and their relatives, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (September 2023)
C*-Simplicity for Groupoids, The Open University (April 2022)
A duality theorem for non-unital operator systems, AMS Joint Mathematics Meeting, Online (April 2022)
C*-Simplicity for Groupoids, Oxford Analysis Seminar, Oxford University (March 2022)
A duality theorem for non-unital operator systems, 8th European Congress of Mathematics, Online (June 2021)
A duality theorem for non-unital operator systems, UK Operator Algebras Seminar, Online (February 2021)
Why MIP*=RE implies ¬CEP and Blackadar-Kirchberg's MF problem, Groups, Operators, and Banach Algebras Webinar, Online (August 2020)
An introduction to Operator Systems, Groundwork for Operator Algebras Lecture Series, Online (July 2020)
Hyperrigidity for C*-correspondences, Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras, University of Copenhagen (August 2019)
Hyperrigidity for C*-correspondences, Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium, Texas A&M (May 2019)
On Synchronous Quantum Games, Analysis Seminar, University of Waterloo (Feb. 2018)
Conferences Attended
The Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Workshop for Young Researchers, Kyoto University (November 2024). Forthcoming
Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras, University of Glasgow (August 2024)
International Conference on Noncommutative Geometry, Analysis on Groups, and Mathematical Physics, Ghent University, Online (February 2024)
GoTh Workshop: Groups of Thompson and their relatives, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (September 2023)
Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras, KU Leuven (August 2023)
Noncommutative Geometry along the North Sea, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (May 2023)
Glasgow Late August Symbolic Dynamics, Groups, and Operators Workshop, University of Glasgow (August 2022).
8th European Congress of Mathematics, online (June 2021)
Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras, University of Copenhagen (August 2019)
Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium, Texas A&M (May 2019)
Southern Ontario Operator Algebras Seminar, The Fields Institute (February 2019)
Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras, KU Leuven (August 2018)
Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium, Miami University (May 2018)
Canadian Operator Symposium, Lakehead University (May 2017)
Canadian Operator Symposium, Université de Montréal (June 2016)
Conferences Organized
Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras, KU Leuven (August 2023). Co-organizer
Glasgow Late August Symbolic Dynamics, Groups, and Operators Workshop, University of Glasgow (August 2022). Co-organizer
NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Doctoral Student Award (2017)
NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Masters Graduate Student Award (2016)